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What are the benefits of large format tiles?

In a historical sense, when choosing between decorative tile types your options were: small or tiny. The Greeks and Romans were just brilliant at the tiny tile (think mosaics), but why were these two sizes the only options? Until relatively recently, large format tiles were well known for either being so heavy that they were difficult to transport and lay and also they were prone to cracking under their weight. Naturally occurring materials like marble were an attractive alternative, but they were also expensive – so much so that they were out of the price range of most people, but not any more. Large-format tiles do have their benefits today.

What constitutes a large format tile?

A tile is considered large format if one side is longer than 15 inches. Ever since their introduction to the world of tile (it’s a thing), the large format tile has grown in popularity and size – some of the larger tiles can be as much as 40 x 120 in size. There is no doubt at all that larger tiles are kind of fashionable, and many of the popular tile manufacturers have jumped on board.

While it is true that large format tiles come with their own installation 'issues', despite them being much easier to install these days, they also have benefits that you will not get from the smaller tile.

Benefits of large format tiles


There are a wide variety of colours, patterns and styles. All the way from stone to concrete, to polished porcelain to marble – you can find just about any look in large format, including wood effect. The larger look, not to mention much fewer grout joints, adds a certain elegance to any redecoration project and can help to expand the room – even it’s just a visual thing rather than physical. The larger format has always been a popular choice for floor tiles but they are seeing more and more use as wall tiles too.

Maintenance and cleaning

Large-format tiles cover a larger surface area per tile than their smaller cousins. Because of this, there is less grout, which means less time spent scrubbing to keep them clean. There is also less space for mould and mildew to build up (more of a problem for some rooms than others, of course). At Bathshack we have a range of cleaners to choose from, and using them properly is key to maintaining your tiles – large format or otherwise.

A taste of luxury

Longer hallways and large rooms around the homes have always been a visual representation of the homeowners wealth and or status. Large-format tiles help provide a seamless and continuous floor – there's that less grouting thing again – and the framing of the tiles. These points help to lengthen, visually, the size of the floor space without you having to compromise on the overall design of the room.

Large format is generally just better in certain spaces

If you are considering large format tiles, typically 60 x 60 cm although there are larger sizes as already discussed, it is clear that they are much better suited to large and open spaces – this is primarily because this much less grouting and cutting involved.

With the above firmly in mind, it is generally recommended that large format tiles be laid in large areas such as dining rooms, hallways, lobbies, patios… and pretty much any large commercial spaces such as shopping spaces. Of course, smaller large format tiles could be ideal for wet rooms too, depending on the size of the room.

If there is one drawback of large format tiling, it is that the installation can be more time consuming for the tiler than tiles of a more ‘traditional’ size (30 x 30). That being said there is just no beating the improved aesthetics of larger format tiles not to mention minimal grout, ease of maintenance, functionality and overall appeal.

Generally speaking, there is no question that large format tiles are able to create a more open space in the setting that they are laid in – for all of the reasons outlined above. With that in mind, is it any wonder that the majority of commercial, mostly more toward the luxury end of the scale, and homes are using them?

Whether used for wall tiling or, much more commonly, flooring, the large format tile is here to stay and it is easy to see why. If you are redecorating, or remodelling, why not take the jump yourself?