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Cleaning Bathroom Tiles

Tiles are one of the most common surfaces used in a bathroom and that is with good reason. Tiles are perfect for damp, humid areas of the home and can look great for many years after they are laid. However, they will only look good if they are cared for properly. Different tiles require different levels of care and some tiles will require a bit more TLC in the long run. In this guide, we will be giving you our top tips and tricks for cleaning bathroom tiles.

What do I need to consider?

One of the most important things to work out is a cleaning routine that suits your lifestyle. If you have got a spare moment after your shower, clean your tiles as the room is still steamy or run the shower on hot for a few moments before starting to clean. This will help to loosen any stains, especially on the grout in your bathroom.

Ideally, tiles should be cleaned once or twice a week depending on how much the bathroom is used and by how many people. If you live on your own, the bathroom won’t see as much use which means you can probably get away with only doing it once per week. However, in busy family homes where it is likely that the bathroom is used by several people more cleaning could be necessary.


Cleaning the grout between your tiles

Your bathroom is one of the places in your home that sees constant water usage and heightened humidity levels which can lead to the development of mould and mildew. Mould and mildew can lead to health implications if it is not treated which is why it is imperative that you prevent it from developing. There are two ways to clean the grout between your tiles. The first method is with a suitable grout cleaner and a brush. This can be quite a mundane task but it is very much worthwhile and the second is with a steam cleaning machine which can be expensive but you can hire them too. Be careful when cleaning, open your door and windows for ventilation so you don’t breathe in harsh chemicals. Ensure that you wear gloves to avoid irritation. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

Another habit that can help your cleaning efforts is remembering to dry your tile when you’re done in the bathroom. Use bathroom rugs to protect your tile floor and wipe up any excess water that may come from using the shower or sink. Invest in a squeegee to keep in your shower and remember to use after use. It’s these simple steps that can result in an overall cleaner bathroom.

If when you have cleaned your tiles you realise that the cosmetic appearance is not what it once was you may benefit from investing in a grout pen. A grout pen will allow you to paint over the existing grout, bringing it back to a finish that looks like the day it was first applied.

Cleaning tiles that have stained

Even if you’ve managed to remove any mould and mildew, it may have stained into your tiles. A great tip for removing stained is by using vinegar. This has some active ingredients that can remove any impurities from your bathroom tiles quickly. It is recommended to mix this ingredient with some other products, for example liquid dish detergent and warm water to obtain the best results.

Cleaning stains from stone tiles is a little different to manage. If your tiles do become stained, which is more likely to happen with natural stone than other materials, you should clean them with a stone poultice. Ensure that you are stocked up on this as stains can set quickly.


Cleaning different types of tiles

Ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles are often the easiest to clean. Opting for a commercial cleaner should be enough to leave your tiles sparkling. Use a cleaner with a scratch-resistant cloth, sponge or mop. This should be rinsed away with water and any remaining water should be mopped up using a dry cloth. For a natural alternative, mix baking soda and vinegar into a bowl and gently swipe your tiles without applying too much pressure to clean away soap scum and grime. As porcelain is a type of ceramic tile, you can also follow this process for these tiles too.

Natural stone tiles

Stone tiles need to be treated differently from ceramic tiles. Many commercial cleaners are not suitable to use on this type of tile meaning you will need to look at other options.  Using one of these products could damage your tiles, so ensure that you check that the products you purchase are designed for use on stone tiles.

Look for a neutral cleaner as anything acidic can damage your tiles over time. When cleaning stone tiles, ensure that the tiles are dampened with water before applying cleaning solutions as this will help to protect your tiles as you use your bathroom. Natural stone tiles will need to be sealed once or twice a year. Bathrooms that are used on a daily basis will need more frequent attention, especially when it comes to sealing the tiles.

For floor tiles, a steam cleaner can help you to blast through the cleaning with ease. A steam cleaner will work through any dirt and grime present on your bathroom floor tiles quickly and effectively just be sure to check that your tiles won’t be damaged at all prior to using one. Wipe or mop over your flooring before using the cleaner to remove any large particles of dirt that could cause scratches during cleaning.

All that’s left to do now is stand back and admire your immaculate bathroom tiles! We hope that today’s article has been helpful and will provide you with information that will help you keep your bathroom tiles in good condition for years to come. If you are looking for a new look in your bathroom, browse our high-quality collection of wall tiles and floor tiles.